We’ll let MotionApps’ blog post on the matter do the explaining: Indeed, we just installed Classic on our webOS 2.0 device and though it launches, it immediately brings up an 'Illegal Operation' error, 'The application performed an illegal operation and cannot continue.' Actually, it’s more like they’ve been forced to shut down development, as it seems webOS 2.0 doesn’t contain the Palm OS ROM needed to make Classic possible. After some sixteen months on the market, MotionApps has decided to close development of Classic and cease further sales. Hearing the pleas of the faithful, Palm enlisted long-time Palm OS developer MotionApps to build a Palm OS emulator for webOS, the aptly-titled Classic. If you’ll recall, back when the Pre first launched, there was plenty of consternation about the possibility of not being able to run your old Palm OS apps on the new webOS platform.